Saturday 5 May 2012

Macro venture (Lilies)

The Macro extension ring is the best way to get Macro shots at a fraction of the cost, a canon EF Macro f2.8 lens on Amazon is 347£ the extension tube 9.99 (including shipping) :-) . Its was a no brainer for me, ofcourse you lose the Autofocus, Aperture control and the likes, but for getting such close shots autofocus hardly makes a difference. 
Here are some shots of Lilies, took this first shot with a 18-55mm kit lens. F-stop 7.1, ISO 800 with 1/30 shutter speed.

The following is with the extension tube on, the tube basically comes between the camera body and the lens which explains the loss of auto functions. The theory goes as the distance between the camera body and the lens increases the more closer you can get to the subject.
All the below ones are f-stop 5.6, ISO 800 and 1/30 SS.

This one is my favourite, its very difficult to see the glittery, purple on the anther with your naked eye, the colourful blur in the background are the petals.

A tripod and a lot of patience is a must for Macro photography. More soon.

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